By Andrea McBride
Staff Writer
CASS CITY — Since opening its doors less than two years ago, Thumb Area Psychological Services has expanded in more ways than one.
The center, which takes most major insurances and offers a range of unique services, recently expanded on the space it leases in the old Campbell Elementary school building.
Along with the office space and a few rooms previously leased, Thumb Area Psychological Services (TAPS) now has access to an entire hall that it transformed into classrooms, playrooms, family rooms and other settings for services to take place.
TAPS realized the need for such a business even before it was fully operable. Someone seeking services happened to find the half-finished website and inquired, and employees said people continue to do so.
A therapist works with members of the Amish community and there are also services for individuals such as veterans, young children and those in need of pain management therapy.
“I think we’ve started building a group of therapists that have unique specialties that really fill the holes,” said Nicole Kohaif, Ed.S., BCBA, a therapist at TAPS.
Therapists are taken on as needed and there are also several behavior technicians who create individualized plans and do in-depth work with clients. The center also provides applied behavior interventions, which typically help children around age 9 and 10 to be successful at life skills.
“There’s a lot of adaptive things that they’re struggling with to a severe level that’s impeding their ability to function in their family and community,” Kohaif said.
Therapists work with children on tasks such as using the microwave and folding clothes.
Children can also receive academic support, but TAPS therapist Kathy Mroz, LMSW said it’s on a much deeper level than a tutor would provide.
“It’s more than just homework support. It’s intensive, it’s focused, it’s finding out where the child is and meeting that need right where they’re at and building from there,” Mroz said.
Kohaif said she wasn’t sure how well an old school building would work for the business, but now she is thankful for the location.
“It’s becoming such a blessing, not only because we’ve been able to expand, but because of the close proximity to the school,” Kohaif said.
The school building allows therapists to prepare young children for school in a real way. TAPS is also permitted to use the old gym and the nearby Cass City Elementary playground to help children learn to socialize.
TAPS provides a hardship scale if payment may be difficult for clients.
The center is normally open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, but hours may vary.
An open house to tour the center and learn more about services is scheduled for noon to 6 p.m. on Monday, June 15. TAPS is located at 6627 Rose St. in Cass City.
Refreshments will be provided. Large groups are asked to call ahead to ensure an employee can dedicate enough time to answering questions. For questions or more information, call 989-872-1800 or visit www.thumbpsycholog